TLZ Blog

How to Start an Investment Consultancy Business in Dubai, UAE

Dubai’s financial sector is flourishing, establishing itself as a global hub for investment and consultancy services. The city’s strategic location, coupled with its robust regulatory framework, attracts businesses and investors worldwide. With an impressive array of financial institutions, including international banks, investment firms, and insurance companies, Dubai offers a dynamic environment for financial growth and […]

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How a French resident can open a business in Dubai

Dubai is a beacon of economic dynamism, inviting entrepreneurs from across the globe to explore its myriad business opportunities. For French residents eyeing expansion beyond the European borders, the Emirate offers a lucrative platform to launch and flourish. Renowned for its strategic location, connecting the East and West, Dubai promises access to vast regional markets. […]

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The lost art of conversation in the digital age – and what it means for the future workforce

If we lose the art of conversation, we have lost a large part of our overall communication. And that affects all areas of life – including, and perhaps especially, business. It seems that email, instant messaging, direct messaging and all manner of apps have made us increasingly detached from the nuances of face-to-face dialogue. And […]

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How an Italian resident can open a business in Dubai

Renowned for its strategic location as a global crossroads, Dubai provides unparalleled access to international markets in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Emirate boasts a robust economy, known for its minimal bureaucracy and a highly favourable tax environment, including zero income tax and low import duties. Dubai’s cosmopolitan culture and state-of-the-art infrastructure make it an […]

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How to start a metaverse business in Dubai

Are you ready to dive into the futuristic world of the metaverse and launch your business in one of the most dynamic cities on the planet? This article is your gateway to understanding how to start a metaverse business in Dubai. As the digital frontier expands, Dubai positions itself as a global hub for technological […]

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How German residents can open a business in Dubai

Dubai offers an enticing playground for entrepreneurs from across the globe, including those hailing from Germany. Renowned for its futuristic architecture and bustling economic activity, Dubai is a beacon of opportunity in the Middle East. The city boasts a strategic geographical location, bridging the East and the West, which provides unparalleled access to global markets. […]

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Scottish resident can open a business in Dubai

How a Scottish resident can open a business in Dubai

Are you a Scottish resident dreaming of expanding your entrepreneurial horizons? Dubai offers a dazzling array of opportunities for business-minded individuals looking to make a mark on the global stage. Renowned for its rapid economic growth, strategic geographic location, and incredibly investor-friendly environment, Dubai is a top destination for international business. The city’s robust infrastructure, […]

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web 3 business

How to start a web3 business in Dubai

Dive into the dynamic world of web3 businesses in Dubai. Whether you’re a blockchain enthusiast, a budding entrepreneur, or an investor looking to tap into innovative technologies, this guide will lay the groundwork for your next big venture. Dubai, known for its cutting-edge approach to technology and business, offers fertile ground for web3 projects poised […]

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Personal security in the UAE

Personal security in the UAE – why is it growing and where are the opportunities?

In a crime index survey from 2024, which looked at 333 cities worldwide, Riyadh was ranked 295, Dubai 330, Doha 331, Muscat 327, and Abu Dhabi 333. It’s one of the few surveys where you want to come last, and year after year, cities in our region consistently rank among those with the lowest crime […]

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