TLZ Blog

woman starting a free zone company in Dubai

Dubai free zone company formation: 2023 Guide

If you are looking to start your business in Dubai, the first port of call is to thoroughly research the emirate’s free zones. Once you start, you will quickly realise they offer a range of incredible business benefits to the companies that work within them. Along with all the headline benefits of doing business in […]

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Economic Substance Regulations in Dubai, UAE

ESR UAE: Economic Substance Regulations in the UAE

The UAE prides itself on being a fair, open, and easy place to do business in. To maintain this reputation, it’s important that regulatory bodies from major trade partners such as the EU and US share this assessment of our country. In 2019, the UAE signed up to a new set of Economic Service Regulations […]

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person starting an offshore company in the UAE

Offshore company formation in Dubai (2023 guide)

Dubai’s business landscape is much admired around the world. The emirate’s thriving and diverse economy, strategic location and incredibly attractive tax regime make it the ideal place from which to do business. Dubai welcomes businesses of all sort, those requiring traditional commercial, industrial or professional licenses, as well as those requiring rather more specialised setups. […]

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KIKLABB Free Zone Company Formation: 2021 Detailed Guide

The UAE’s fast, affordable, and transparent company formation process is one of the many reasons why international entrepreneurs flock to the country. With the help of a trusted expert, you could be running a UAE business within weeks. When setting up here, you have the option of starting a mainland or free zone business. As […]

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setting up a company in RAKEZ

RAKEZ company setup: 2023 quick guide

The UAE is home to a wide range of free zones catering to businesses of all types and all sizes. All free zones offer a number of benefits to attract entrepreneurs and business owners from around the world. These benefits include, but are not limited to, zero currency restrictions, total customs tax exemption and the […]

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how to sell on

How to sell on

Bursting onto the scene just three years ago, has already made a considerable impact in the Middle East’s online retail space. A multi-billion-dollar collaboration between Emaar Malls, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, and several private investors, has quickly grown to rival Souq – arguably the UAE’s greatest e-commerce success story. Noon gives you […]

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start your IT company in Dubai

How to start an IT company in Dubai

Dubai’s IT industry has been thriving for many years, and this trend looks set to continue. Last year, the emirate’s rulers set out their plan to make Dubai “the Silicon Valley of the Middle East”, building on a reputation that has already attracted the likes of Microsoft, Facebook, and Google to our shores. But it’s […]

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start a Real Estate Business in Dubai

Real Estate Business in Dubai, UAE

The Dubai property market has long been home to investors looking to make impressive yields. Often with great success. Returns out here are known to eclipse other global real estate hubs such as London and New York, with yields of 6% and above not uncommon. Even this year, in the wake of the pandemic, the […]

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recruitment agency in Dubai, UAE

How to start a recruitment company in Dubai

Dubai sees thousands of businesses start up on its shores every year. These businesses require skilled employees – and with a population made up of over 80% expatriates, they are happy to find them from all over the world. It’s no surprise then that UAE recruitment industry is thriving. Pre-pandemic, the UAE led regional online […]

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